Revitalised tourism landmark for Miles nearing completion

Published on 31 August 2021


Visitors to Miles will now be greeted with an enhanced tourist experience, with works to reinvigorate the Miles Visitor Information Centre and Historical Village Museum nearing completion.

This project was delivered as part of Western Downs Regional Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Package to secure and create jobs, with funding provided by the Queensland Government’s COVID Works for Queensland program.

Assistant Minister for Local Government Nikki Boyd said Queensland’s plan for economic recovery was delivering for Miles and the Western Downs.

“This is a great investment in a great regional town, with the COVID Works for Queensland program delivering for Miles,” Ms Boyd said.

“The reinvigorated Miles Visitor Information Centre and Historical Village Museum will be a major drawcard for Miles, with more and more Queenslanders holidaying in Queensland.

“The benefits are already being felt by Miles, with the construction phase delivering local jobs right now, ahead of the completion of the upgrades.”

Western Downs Regional Council Spokesperson for Tourism, Events and Regional Promotion Councillor Kylie Bourne said the project had revitalised the popular visitor destination, enticing more people to stop, visit and spend locally.

“The Miles Historical Village Museum is one of the region’s most popular tourist destinations and we are committed to enhancing tourist experiences in the region to boost the local economy, Cr Bourne said.

“As part of the project, the Miles Visitor Information Centre and Historical Village Museum have undergone a range of improvements to give the precinct a more vibrant, modern look and feel.

“Focusing on the entry to the precinct, the project has delivered an impressive tower arbour walkway, interpretive signage, new gardens and a water fountain.

“We have also redesigned and upgraded the entry to the Visitor Information Centre and entry to the Museum, which has enhanced the overall appearance and functionality of the precinct.”

Cr Bourne said the project’s centrepiece was the delivery of a large ‘Miles’ sign, which was a similar concept to the Brisbane sign at South Bank.

“We are proud of our fabulous region and the giant sign draws people in from the highway, and also provides an interactive way to explore the precinct, snap a photo for social media, and tell your friends and family how fantastic our region is.

“The giant sign is 100% locally made, and has been fabricated by Nebgar Engineering in Miles and powder coated by Dalby business Simplicity Coatings Pty Ltd.

Nebgar Engineering Owner Allan Beutel said it was rewarding to deliver such a landmark piece for his local town.

“We were so excited to be involved with the project and build a sign that is going to be seen by so many people coming into Miles,” Mr Beutel said.

Council is currently completing the finishing touches including way finding signage to tell the story of Miles and installing a colourful ‘wrap’ over the completed sign which will celebrate the area.

Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Package includes a range of major projects to boost the region’s liveability and make various destinations across the region more enticing to residents and visitors.

To find out more about Council’s major projects visit

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