Flood Damage Restoration




During 2021/22 the Western Downs experienced an unprecedented period of frequent high rainfall and multiple flood events across the region. Whilst this much-needed rainfall provided great moisture profiles in the soil for cropping and replenished water in our dams, it caused significant damage on our large road network.

Council is currently delivering the largest flood damage restoration package in Queensland to ensure our roads are safe and well maintained. This damage is estimated at approximately $167 million to restore these sites to their pre-event condition. The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) has approved an extension of time for delivery of the program and the restoration work is now programmed to be completed by 31 March 2025, weather permitting.

The delivery of this program required an initial comprehensive road assessment to capture the extent of the damage.

Since November 2021, a significant amount of temporary emergency repairs has also been completed. These temporary repairs ensure the impacted roads can be restored to a safe standard as soon as possible. At the same time, Council is planning and scheduling more permanent reconstruction works in these locations, which also takes into consideration the site conditions and the standard of resources required to complete the permanent reconstruction.  

Currently, ninety-six percent (96%) of the flood damage restoration works program has been awarded to civil contractors in works packages. Approximately 71% of the total program has already been completed through work packages.

The works involve desilting and repair of drainage structures, gravel re-sheeting, formation grading, shoulder regrading, replacing culverts, and pavement repairs.


The below map details the extent of the 2021/22 flood damage as highlighted in purple.



Work Project Updates

Council released 'rounds' of works packages to civil contractors to ensure consistent delivery across multiple locations at a time within the region. This approach has ensured the large flood damage restoration program has been delivered efficiently and to a high-quality standard.

Western Downs has released fifteen (15) rounds of flood damage restoration works packages. The regular wet weather events experienced throughout the Western Downs Region in late 2023 and early 2024 delayed the delivery of packages.

The third round of works packages on sealed roads, and Council’s first drainage works package, were awarded in mid-August. Round 12, the final round of works packages on unsealed roads (Packages 39 – 43), were awarded in mid-September, with works expected to commence on these roads in the first half of October.

The final three (3) sealed roads works packages, and two (2) drainage works packages, were released to market during September, with these works packages expected to commence in November.

You can find out more details on what roads have already been repaired as well as what roads repairs are in progress or due to commence shortly.

Completed Packages

Please view our map of Completed Works Packages Map(PDF, 18MB)

Works in Progress

Round 6
  • Package 17A - Tara area Map(PDF, 652KB) - Delivery postponed due to wet roadside conditions. Now planned for completion by end of October 2024
Round 8
  • Package 25 - Eurombah / Clifford / Bundi / Grosmont / Bogandilla area Map(PDF, 273KB) - Delivery planned between February and October 2024  
Round 10
  • Package 30 - Woleebee / Wandoan / Guluguba / Pelham / Gurulmundi / Kowguran / Dalwogon / Myall Park / Hookswood area Map(PDF, 343KB) – Delivery planned between August and October 2024
  • Package 31 - Cooranga / Bell / Moola / Kaimkillenbun / Dalby area Map(PDF, 189KB) - Delivery planned between June and October 2024
  • Package 33 - Fairyland / Burra Burri / Jinghi) area Map(PDF, 206KB) – Delivery planned between July and October 2024
Round 11
  • Package 35 – Drillham / Drillham South / Dulacca / Moraby area Map(PDF, 123KB) – Delivery planned between August and November 2024
  • Package 36 – Boonarga / Chances Plain / Wychie / Pelican / Canaga / Langlands / Jinghi / Tuckerang / Warra area Map(PDF, 360KB) – Delivery planned between August and December 2024
  • Package 37 – Jinghi / Jandowae / Diamondy / Cooranga area Map(PDF, 310KB) – Delivery planned between August and December 2024
  • Package 38 – Dalby / Irvingdale / Blaxland / Kaimkillenbun / Moola area Map(PDF, 572KB) – Delivery planned between August and November 2024
Sealed Round 3
  • Package Seal 03 – Jandowae / Diamondy / Cooranga / Jimbour East / Bell / Bunya Mountains / Kaimkillenbun area Map(PDF, 356KB) – Delivery planned between September and November 2024
  • Package Seal 04 – Waikola / Clifford / Bundi / Grosmont / Wandoan / Woleebee / Roche Creek / Bungaban / Guluguba area Map(PDF, 602KB) – Delivery planned between October 2024 and January 2025
  • Package Seal 05 – Numerous sites over a widespread area from Gurulmundi in the north through Drillham / Dulacca / Miles / Condamine / Meandarra / Tara and through to Flinton / Westmar / Moonie area in the south Map(PDF, 1MB) – Delivery planned between September and November 2024
  • Package Drainage 01 – Numerous locations in the north-west of the Region, from south of Miles / Drillham / Dulacca through to Eurombah / Grosmont / Bungaban area Map(PDF, 666KB) – Delivery planned between September and October 2024
Unsealed Round 12  
  • Package 39 – Yulabilla / Drillham South / Condamine / The Gums / Tara area Map(PDF, 606KB) – Delivery planned to commence October 2024
  • Package 40 – Crossroads / Wieambilla / Tara area Map(PDF, 425KB) – Delivery planned to commence October 2024
  • Package 41 – Jandowae / Tuckerang / Warra / Jimbour West / Macalister / Pirrinuan / Dalby area Map(PDF, 770KB) – Delivery planned to commence October 2024
  • Package 42 – Jandowae / Cooranga / Jimbour East / Bell / Kaimkillenbun / Pirrinuan / Dalby area Map(PDF, 524KB) – Delivery planned to commence October 2024
  • Package 43 – Coomrith / Inglestone area Map(PDF, 356KB) – Delivery planned to commence October 2024

Upcoming Packages 

The final unsealed roads and drainage works packages were released to market for quotes during September and works are expected to commence during November 2024.

Sealed Round 4 
  • Package Seal 06 – Numerous locations surrounding Chinchilla, to Kogan / Condamine / Miles / Hookswood / Blackswamp / Burncluith / Langlands / Tuckerang / Brigalow areas Map(PDF, 2MB) – Delivery planned to commence in November 2024
  • Package Seal 07 – Numerous locations between north of Jandowae, through Warra / Macalister, and Ducklo areas Map(PDF, 808KB) – Delivery planned to commence in November 2024
  • Package Seal 08 – Dalby / Blaxland / St Ruth / Springvale area Map(PDF, 523KB) – Delivery planned to commence in November 2024
Drainage Round 2
  • Package Drainage 02 – Various locations around Chinchilla / Brigalow / Montrose / Condamine and in the south-west of the Region, between Weranga / Glenmorgan / Coomrith / Westmar / Moonie areas Map(PDF, 666KB) – Delivery planned to commence November 2024
  • Package Drainage 03 – Various locations in the north-east of the Region, between Dalby / Warra / Jinghi / Diamondy / Bunya Mountains / Kaimkillenbun areas Map(PDF, 475KB) – Delivery planned between September and November 2024

Please view our map of Works to be Delivered, In-progress Works Packages and Completed Works Packages Map(PDF, 18MB)

Council also continues to procure gravel from commercial pits and quarries.

Resilience Projects & Betterment Funding

As part of the 2021/22 Flooding events, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) released Betterment funding to rebuild essential public assets to a more resilient standard to help withstand the impacts of future natural disasters.

Council compiled a list of assets that would improve flood immunity or create more resilient assets utilising local knowledge from staff and Western Downs residents. Council applied for funding for eighty-six (86) individual assets (sites).

Council was successful with Betterment funding applications for five (5) major sites, which were nominated as Council’s highest priority sites. These successful sites are below:

  • Commodity Court, Dalby – Road Reconstruction including an upgrading pavement incorporating pavement geotextiles to increase the resilience of this asset.
  • Giligulgul Road, Wandoan - Culvert Upgrade – replacing the older 2 x RCP pipes with larger RCBCs (box culverts) to increase flood immunity and resilience of this site.
  • Sandalwood Avenue West, Dalby - Floodway Upgrade – upgrading the bitumen sealed floodway to a concrete floodway to increase the resilience of this site.
  • Springvale Road, Dalby - Floodway Upgrade – upgrading the existing bitumen sealed invert floodway to a concrete floodway with under road drainage (RCBCs - box culverts) to improve flood immunity and resilience of this site.
  • Wilds Road, Dalby – Multiple Floodway Upgrades – upgrading multiple existing invert bitumen floodways to either invert asphalt or concrete floodways to improve resilience of these sites.

The civil designs for these sites are underway, with the construction works to be delivered by either Council’s internal Works crews or civil contractors. These sites are anticipated to be completed in the first half of 2025. 

Preparing for future flood events

  • We encourage you to be prepared by following our five steps for preparing for emergencies Be Prepared
  • During a disaster we will provide information on our Disaster Dashboard


Frequently asked questions 

Where is the funding for these flood recovery works coming from?

The flood recovery works is jointly funded by the Australian Government and Queensland Government under the Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). This funding provides disaster relief and recovery payments and infrastructure restoration to help communities recover from the effects of natural disasters and terrorist acts. In Queensland, this program is managed on a whole-of-government basis by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA).

Is there funding available to assist with damage that occurred to my property?

An exceptional circumstances package has been released by the QRA and is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support Queensland communities in recovery from three significant weather events during the 2021-22 Queensland summer.

More information of funding available can be found on the QRA Website.

What repairs can I expect if my road is identified in one of the Flood Damage Restoration Works Packages?

Flood damage restoration works are reliant on external funding, which in most cases only allow for repairs to reinstatement of previous condition.

Where possible, we are working with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to gain additional funding (Betterment Funding) to improve flood resilience. Unfortunately, this is not possible for every road.

What is the difference between emergent works and permanent repairs?

Emergent works are emergency works and immediate reconstruction works that: 

  • happen soon after a disaster
  • involve roads being made safe 
  • restore public access
  • are temporary in nature.

Permanent repair or reconstruction works: 

  • follow the completion of emergent work 
  • require more planning, engineering and design 
  • take longer to complete than emergent works
  • deliver reinstatement to previous condition. 
Why is my road not getting a full gravel re-sheet?
  • Flood recovery works are being completed under set funding arrangements. To obtain this funding, Council has to abide by the prescribed treatment guide for each damaged road.
  • If you are concerned about what treatment your roads is receiving, you are welcome to contact Council and one of our team will assist with your query.
Why have Council officers or contractors visited my road so often prior to construction happening?
  • In order to claim the funding available from QRA to repair our road network, a rigorous damage assessment process is required, including site visits and documenting damage with photos. As a result of this process, you may have noticed Council staff or our Contractors visiting impacted areas to gather this data. 
  • Although this process may be demanding at times given the large amount of damage to our road network, claiming eligible funds is in the best interest of our community. These funds help us recover from the effects of natural disasters.
Why are you replacing a small floodway/culvert on my road with a large expensive floodway/culvert?
  • In some instances, Council must rebuild damaged culverts/floodways to a the latest standard in accordance with Department of Agricultural and Fisheries (DAF) accepted development requirements for operational work that is constructing or raising waterway barrier works (WWBW).
  • Information about WWBW can be found on the DAF website.
How have you decided what is included and what is excluded from flood recovery works?
  • In order to claim funding from QRA to repair our road network an assessment process is required. 
  • If damage to a road asset was not caused by flood damage in the specifically declared events, that damaged asset is not eligible for funding under the Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding Arrangements.
  • Our Works crews are still programming and delivering our regular maintenance works on our roads, as well as completing our planned capital upgrades.
