Western Downs Regional Council Supports victims of domestic violence

Published on 14 March 2022


Western Downs Regional Council has facilitated the donation of its old refurbished mobile phones to assist in getting domestic violence victims the help they need.

Not-for-profit organisation DV Safe Phone is a charity that collects, repurposes, and gifts mobile phones to victims of domestic violence, with the Dalby Police Station accepting Council’s phones which have been readied for distribution. Council has also donated phones to the Women’s Services Network (WESNET), which also distributes new and recycled phones to the local community.

Western Downs Regional Council Mayor Paul McVeigh said Council was honoured to be donating to an initiative that supports those in need.

“The Western Downs region is no place for domestic and family violence but unfortunately, our community is not immune to the challenges surrounding this serious social issue,” Mr McVeigh said.

“One of the things Council can do, is ensure the community is aware that this campaign is available to support them.

“We take a very serious stance in creating a safe community for our residents and ensuring they have the means to reconnect with friends, family and essential support services.

“Not only are we giving these people a voice, but we are also working towards a sustainable future in which a very valuable tool is being repurposed and utilised.”

Domestic & Family Violence Coordinator and Dalby Police Officer Sergeant Anne Johnston said she has witnessed first-hand the state in which victims are left, which is quite often phoneless and without a way to reach out and get help.

“To the average person, a mobile phone is an everyday device but to someone who is a victim to domestic violence, a phone can save their life,” Sergeant Johnston said.

Senior Constable Vanessa Firman from the Dalby Police Station said it’s amazing to see Western Downs Regional Council’s support for this program as well as their significant contribution to the cause.

“Dalby Police Station are pleased to be assisting DV Safe Phone and we hope this encourages the community to contribute too, by donating their unused phone to the station.” Senior Constable Firman said.

Collaborating with DV Safe Phone and WESNET is just another initiative from Council to offer support for victims of domestic violence.

Last year Council partnered with the Dalby Police Station to deliver a brightly painted bench that was placed outside the Dalby Courthouse as part of the Red Rose Foundation’s ‘Red Bench’ initiative that draws attention to domestic and family violence. Further “Red Benches” will be installed throughout the region in the near future.

Council also offers a number of online and hard copy resources for the community that is accessible through Western Downs Libraries. The resources have been recommended by health care professionals and organisations directly involved in health care and cover topics that could assist those in domestic violence situations. www.westerndownslibraries.com/words-for-wellbeing/

For more information contact Council on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624).

Helpful links

If you or someone you know is experiencing family or domestic violence, help is available. Get free, confidential online and phone support and counselling for women and men, 24/7. In an emergency dial Triple Zero (000).

Where Can I Find a DV Safe Phone

Find a DV Safe Phone at https://dvsafephone.org/gethelp

WESNET Support http://techsafety.org.au/resources/resources-women/ or refer a woman to a safe connection’s agency 1800 937 638

Where Can I Find a DV Safe Phone

Find a DV Safe Phone at https://dvsafephone.org/gethelp WESNET Support http://techsafety.org.au/resources/resources-women/ or refer a woman to a safe connection's agency 1800 937 638

Further Support

DVConnect Womensline - 1800 811 811

DVConnect Mensline - 1800 600 636

1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732

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