Flying Foxes

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Flying Fox species in Australia include Little Red Flying Foxes, Black Flying Foxes and Grey Headed Flying Foxes which are critical to the successful function of many of Australia's ecosystems.

This is largely due to their foraging of flowering native plants, which aids in long distance pollination and seed dispersal, with some species travelling 40km a night to feed in areas with flowering trees.

If these species were removed from the ecology, we would see a drastic and possible severe shift in ecosystem function.

Current Situation

Currently there are four known roosts within the Western Downs Region that can at times cause issues and/or concern with the surrounding public. These are located in the towns of Chinchilla, Dalby, Bell and Jandowae.

Public concern is often heightened when large numbers of Little Red Flying Foxes migrate into the region following flowering events. In nearly all cases of Councils flying dispersals have been in response to an influx of Little Red Flying Foxes.  


Flying foxes are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, however local governments have the authority to undertake roost management within defined areas. Council has undertaken many approved management activities to attempt to relocate Flying Fox camps from towns such as Chinchilla, Jandowae and Bell, to a lower conflict location away from residents.   

There are several factors to consider before taking management action, including the likelihood of the roost relocating to a site of greater conflict. The success of any dispersal relies heavily upon having an alternate roost site and having public support in the actions being taken.

Fact Sheet


Council undertakes regular assessments and surveys of camps to monitor seasonal fluctuations in flying fox numbers.

As flying foxes are a protected native animal there are limited tools available to manage the impacts they have on the community.  

Fact Sheet