Councils to unite for water security

Published on 18 November 2020


Western Downs Regional Council will join forces with neighbouring local governments to advocate for long-term water security in the region.    

At its Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 18 November, Council endorsed to be a part of the Downs and Border Council’s Water Alliance which is proposed to include several Councils in southern Queensland and norther New South Wales.  

Western Downs Regional Council Mayor Paul McVeigh said it was a strong step forward in gaining long term security for water supply across the region. 

“We are a thriving agricultural, energy and manufacturing region and it’s vital that we work together to ensure our region has the water it needs both now, and into the future,” Cr McVeigh said.  

“We already work closely with neighbouring Councils to lobby other levels of Government on behalf of our residents but forming a Water Alliance is about formalising this partnership. 

“This follows on from a resolution made by Toowoomba Regional Council to underpin joint advocacy for a collective vision on water security for all needs including residential, agricultural, commercial and industrial supplies.  

“It’s critical we continue putting forward our case to State and Federal Governments in relation to water security matters, and we want to ensure our wider region is considered as part of any future water strategies.” 

As part of its decision, Council has appointed Mayor Paul McVeigh as Council’s representative as part of the Alliance.  

Cr McVeigh said collaborating with other Councils would give the region its best chance of lobbying State and Federal Governments for support.  

“Similar to the work of the South East Queensland Council of Mayors, The Downs and Border Council Water Alliance will work together to deliver real results for our region and I am delighted to be a part of this new initiative,” he said.  

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