After a Disaster

Bushfire Recovery Image

1. Overview

Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is a coordinated process to support individuals and communities through reconstruction of physical infrastructure, economic recovery, the environment and support in emotional, social, physical wellbeing and psychological health.

Cleaning up and supporting residents and businesses is the work of a range of agencies, organisations, local businesses and residents. Knowing who to turn to for support can be tricky, so above is a list of agencies and the support they can provide during and after a disaster.

Click through the above sections to view key contacts and general information on each service.

October 2023 Regional Bushfire Recovery Information

Information as of Monday 27 November 2023.

General Support

For residents who have been impacted by the fire emergency, you can visit the Tara Neighbourhood Centre at 49 Day St, Tara for advice, information, and support. The team is on the ground to help direct your enquiries and link you with relevant support and government agencies. You can also phone the centre on 07 4665 3508. 

Impacted Property Clean-up

Residents impacted by the fires that were in the drop zone for fire retardant are advised not to drink or bath in water stored in tanks connected to roofs. The water can be used to clean and water plants. For more information on the products used, please visit or

For rainwater tanks and roofs impacted by smoke and ash, it is recommended to filter the water prior to drinking.

Waste Services

Starting Monday 6 November, the Tara Landfill will be on extended hours to 5pm daily (normally 12:30pm closure) to assist residents with disposal of waste.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

If this bushfire event has impacted on your mental health in any way, there are a number of support services available to you. You can contact the Mental Health access line on 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255), find out more at

Alternatively you can visit the Tara Neighbourhood Centre where they can connect you to a support agency.

Personal Hardship Assistance

Personal hardship assistance is available to affected residents. Residents can phone the Community Recovery hotline on 1800 173 349 or visit:

Primary Producers

Primary producers who experienced damage or losses due to the bushfires are encouraged to complete DAF’s Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey:

You can also access disaster assistance loans: and freight assistance:


GIVIT's bushfire appeal is now in operation and is the preferred avenue for donations from the public. You can donate here:

The State Government has also created a central point of truth for community donations:

We ask that you do not take food or other donations to any Council facility, to the former evacuation centres, or to the Tara Neighbourhood Centre.

Residents can keep across up-to-date emergency and recovery information via the Disaster Dashboard:

2. In an Emergency 

Life-threatening: '000'

State Emergency Service: 13 25 00 (non-emergency)

Ergon Energy: 13 16 70

3. Western Downs Region Council

Provides advice and information regarding:

  • Waste Collection Information
  • Cleaning Roofs and Water Tanks 
  • Water and Gas Supply
  • Lost Animals or Stock

Contact: 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624)  

4. Queensland Government

Provides services and information regarding:

  • Financial Assistance
  • Support Services
  • Housing and Accommodation
  • Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing

Contact: 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or visit

5. Queensland Health 

Provides advice and information regarding:

  • Restoring Rainwater Tanks and Water Sources
  • Restoring Pools
  • Disposing of Contaminated Food and Equipment
  • Asbestos


6. Queensland Fire & Emergency Services

Provides up to date information regarding:

  • Current Bushfire and Emergency Events 
  • Current Warnings 
  • Preparedness Information

7. QLD Rural & Industry Development Authority

Provides advice and information regarding:

  • Grants & Rebates
  • Loans

Contact: 1800 623 946 or visit

8. Support Groups

Red Cross: The Red Cross has published a series of resources to help people recover from the effects of disaster, including coping strategies for adults and children, cleaning up, dealing with memorials and anniversaries. Red Cross

Lifeline: Crisis support is available through organisations such as Lifeline. Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or log onto the Lifeline website.

Other not-for-profit organisations that provide post-disaster emotional support, crisis hotlines and other assistance include:

  • Salvation Army - 1300 371 288
  • St. Vincent de Paul - 1300 633 343
  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency Australia Ltd - 1800 242 372
  • RSPCA - 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625)
  • Blue Care - 1300 258 322
  • St John Ambulance - 1300 ST JOHN (1300 785 646)
  • Beyond Blue: Phone 1300 224 636
  • Headspace (Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing): Phone 1800 650 890 

The Get Ready Queensland website may also be very helpful. Get Ready Queensland

9. Local Business and Primary Producers Impacts

Primary Producer Impacts

Primary producers directly impacted by disaster events are encouraged to fill out the Queensland DAF Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey.

The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the extent of a disaster event affecting the area. The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries collects this information to inform the process for activation of disaster recovery assistance.

Please ensure that records of the damage are kept, whether this is the loss of assets, commodities, costs to repair fences, costs to buy feed for their stock, e.g.

If trigger points are not met to activate disaster areas, primary producers who have suffered damage can apply for an Individual Disaster Stricken Property (IDSP) declaration, providing access to freight subsidies up to $5,000 and concessional loans of up to $250,000.

Producers should take photos of direct damage on their property before cleaning-up to accompany their funding application. Please date stamp these photographs to show the damage is from this natural disaster event.

Local Business Impacts

The Business Queensland Hub has information available for local businesses on how to prepare, respond, recover and communicate when dealing with natural disasters:

When the damage to buildings, assets, vehicles and equipment is assessed, decisions and photos and /or videos of damage can be recorded in an event log for insurance claims.

Other Support Available:
  • Drought Angels: Assist the rural communities affected by fires with products. Primary producers affected by fires are able to apply for financial assistance via Drought Angels website or by phoning (07) 4662 7371. Contact the Farmer Support team on
  • Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries: Phone 13 25 23
  • Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority: Phone 1800 623 946
  • Community Recovery Hotline: Phone 1800 173 349
  • Small Business and Rural Financial Counselling Service: Phone 1300 771 741 or visit
  • Small Business Hotline: Phone 1300 654 687