Individual Excellence Program


Celebrating and supporting individuals (or teams) for excellence in their chosen field, this program will assist individuals residing in the Western Downs Regional Council area who are performing or competing at a national or international level.

View the Factsheet(PDF, 59KB) 


The Individual Excellence Program supports high performing individuals to participate in cultural, academic, sporting or other recreational activities or programs that contribute to one or more of the following:

  • Promote participation in sport, recreation, cultural or community volunteerism
  • Show pride in our region

Specific Program Guidelines:


Funding Amount

Individuals selected in a State team to compete at a National Level


Individuals selected in a National team to compete at International Level within Australia


Individuals selected in a National team to compete at International Level overseas


Teams (three or more individuals) or groups selected in the above categories can apply for a group total

Up to a maximum value of $1,000

Individuals and groups must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a full-time resident of the Western Downs Regional Council area, however, consideration will be given to those individuals who reside outside of the Western Downs Regional Council boundaries where it can be demonstrated that their achievements are the direct result of their attendance of, participation in, or contribution to an event or activity within the Western Downs region.
  • Include written verification from the controlling body (e.g. copy of the letter or document of the selection).
  • Be participating in a formal event or activity sanctioned and supported by the relevant state and/or national body of such sport or activity.
  • Be formally affiliated with a sporting club or association, or school, and the representative honours must be a result of official selection arising from such affiliation.
  • Deemed or proven to have full amateur status.
  • Applicants are not able to apply under this program for selection in the same sport, recreation or cultural activity at the same level in the one financial year.  Applications will be considered if the individual advances to the next level of competition.
  • Application must be made prior to the attendance of the event. No funding will be made retrospectively.
  • If the opportunity arise, applicants should acknowledge Council’s support of their endeavours.

Dux Awards:

Academic excellence is celebrated at the conclusion of each year with schools selecting a Dux Award recipient. $250.00 is available to public and private high schools in the Western Downs Regional Council area to gift to the Dux Award recipient in the highest year level (Year 12 or Year 10 for P-10 Schools).  Schools are required to make application online through this program.

Year 12 Dux Award recipients are eligible for a Certificate of Appreciation Australia Day Award. Schools are required to forward the name of the Year 12 Dux Award recipient to immediately following their announcement.

Apply for Funding